Curiosity Boosters

Live interviews

Reconstructing past ice sheets to understand future behaviours | Christine Batchelor | Live interview

- Curious Geographer Live Interview

Dual Disasters - reducing hazard vulnerability | Namrata Bhattacharya-Mis | Live interview

- Curious Geographer Live Interview

Water infrastructure in coastal cities | Dr Niranjana Ramesh | Live interview

- Curious Geographer Live Interview

Renewables on the seabed: The role of a marine geoscientist | Claire McGhee | Live interview

- Curious Geographer Live Interview

Sustainable Urban Technologies | Dr Mary Lawhon | Live interview

Urban challenges - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Global Rise of Education | Dr Matt Finn | Live interview

Global Development - Curious Geographer Live Interview

youtube live PW
Geohazard Tourism | Dr Penelope Wilson | Live interview

Hazards - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Using GIS in Geographical research | Harry West | Live interview

GIS - Curious Geographer Live Interview

How can we decarbonise our homes? | Dr Sarah Knuth | Live interview

Climate Change - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Mental health live
How does place affect mental health? | Dr Cheryl McGeachan | Live interview

Cities and Changing Places - Curious Geographer Live Interview

southern ocean
Why is the Southern Ocean so important?┃Dr Yueng-Djern Lenn┃ Live interview

Cold Environments - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Fast Fashion┃ Issues and solutions ┃Dr Amber Martin-Woodhead ┃Live interview
Fast Fashion┃ Issues and solutions ┃Dr Amber Martin-Woodhead ┃Live interview

Resource Management - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Tropical Rainforests┃Threats & Solutions┃Prof Mark Mulligan ┃Live Interview

Ecosystems - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Reducing Flood Risk - The importance of land-use decisions┃Dr Ian Pattison ┃Live Interview
Reducing Flood Risk | Dr Ian Pattison | Live interview

Rivers - Curious Geographer Live Interview

Understanding the environmental impact of volcanic eruptions: a palaeo perspective ┃Dr Joanne Egan┃Live interview

Tectonic Hazards - Curious Geographer Live Interview

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A world without refugee camps?┃Prof Peter Mackie┃Live interview

Global Development - Curious Geographer Live Interview