What makes a good research question?
Geography Research Knowledge Booster
Developed in partnership with

Course links: GCSE • IGCSE • A-level • IA-level • IB • National 5 • Higher Geography
New discoveries are made when people ask questions and then seek to answer them!
But how do we come up with a strong human geography research question? A question that will help us better understand the spaces and places of our world, and lead us to new knowledge and understanding?
In this video, the second in the series, we team up with human geographer Prof. Clive Barnett to ask What makes a good research question?
Written and developed by: Clive Barnett, Matt Finn, Rob Parker, Tim Parker.
Videography by: Josh Carron, Jim Wileman, Rob Parker, Harriet Ridley
Mermaids Boycott BP.jpg by R. M. Calamar is licenced under CC BY 2.0.
Keyboard Sound Effects by Milnk is licensed under CC BY 3.0