How to enable videos on Time for Geography if they are currently blocked by your network
Time for Geography videos are hosted through Vimeo and Cloudflare Stream and embedded in the Time for Geography project website: https://timeforgeography.co.uk.
Unblocking Vimeo
If your district/school has vimeo.com blocked for student devices, it is still possible to enable Time for Geography videos. Please forward this information to your system/network administrator so they can setup the necessary access.
Time for Geography looks for the following resources to be accessible to determine if Vimeo is available:
- https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js and
- https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F216580195&id=216580195&loop=false&autoplay=false
To enable access to Time for Geography videos for your students, please follow the steps below (for administrators):
- Unblock vimeocdn.com, vimeo.com/api, player.vimeo.com
- Add vimeocdn.com, vimeo.com/api, player.vimeo.com as Allowed Referrers
- Ensure your web filter allows secure (encrypted) requests from vimeo.com
- Clear the browser cache (in chrome, safari etc.)
Please note that the above steps will still block students from accessing vimeo.com directly and only allows them to access embedded Vimeo videos on websites allowed by your network (including Time for Geography). As network setups vary, we recommend that you test these settings thoroughly before making them live across your network.
Unblocking Cloudflare Stream
Cloudflare video streams are hosted at Time for Geography's unique cloudflarestream.com domain, which needs to be unblocked in order to stream Time for Geography videos.
Please add customer-wrxkh86v7ijvxiik.cloudflarestream.com/* to your list of allowed domains.
Still need help?
If you are a network administrator and have been unable to successfully unblock our videos, please get in touch by emailing [email protected] and we will do our best to help.