How do you choose the right methods for your research?
Geography Research Knowledge Booster
Developed in partnership with

Course links: GCSE • IGCSE • A-level • IA-level • IB • National 5 • Higher Geography
Now that you know what you want to investigate and have developed a strong research question, you're all set to make new discoveries about the spaces and places of our world and how they are changing!
But how do you go about addressing your question?
In this video, the third in the series, we team up with human geographer Prof. John Wylie to ask How do you choose methods for research?
A great way to learn about different methods in human geography is to look at what researchers have done in the past by reading the research literature in academic journals.
To help you find out more, here are some resources to explore:
The Geographical Association's toolkit for the independent investigation and A level independent investigation literature review.
The University of the West of England's guide to completing simple geographical research projects.
Written and developed by: John Wylie, Matt Finn, Rob Parker, Tim Parker.
Videography by: Josh Carron, Jim Wileman, Rob Parker, Harriet Ridley
Blender GIS by Nicko16 is licensed under CC BY 3.0
Ethnographic interview, Anthropology Virtual Classroom, SOAS University of London by SOAS University of London is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
GIS.XL - real example of use by Milos Gregor is licensed under CC BY 3.0.