UK extreme weather
Weather and Climate Knowledge Booster

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Course links: GCSE • IGCSE • A-level • IA-level • IB • National 5 • Leaving Cert • Higher Geography
Please note that this video is divided into helpful chapters for use in lessons relevant to specific subtopics. Use the chapters tool in the video player!
As Earth's climate changes, extreme weather events and associated weather hazards are becoming more frequent and severe. In this video, geoscientist Abhinav Saji John teams up with leading experts in climate research and hazard management, to investigate the UK's extreme weather, its causes and impacts. By looking at the air masses and atmospheric conditions that create different types of weather in the UK, we explore:
- Cyclonic Storms and the impacts of associated wind, storm surges and rain hazards
- Convective Storms and the impacts of associated hailstorms and thunderstorms
- Winter Anticyclones and the impacts of associated hazards from ice and snow
- Summer Anticyclones and the impact of associated heatwaves and droughts
Written and developed by: Abhinav Saji John, Rob Parker, Tim Parker, Claire Earlie, Innocent Masukwedza, Melissa Lazenby, Shane Latchman, Daisy Woodley, Adam Scaife, Qiu, Weiteng, Peter Irvine, Harvey Rodda, Emily Bilbie, Harriet Ridley, Josh Carron
Thank you to the Met Office Press Office for making engaging meteorological visuals available for use in this video.
Space Station Views of Hurricane Florence at Landfall by NASA is in the Public Domain
Big Gray Clouds Moving Fast To The Camera Preparing For The Storm In 4K Timelapse from Videezy.com
2013-12-06 Orkan Xaver in Warnemünde 12.jpg by Jonas Rogowski is licensed under CC BY 3.0
Storm Arwen tree.jpg by Cwmcafit is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Marrams Hemsby.jpg by Evelyn Simak is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Tick Tock.mp3 by FoolBoyMedia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
Hailstorm.mp3 by StephanosRex is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
Offshore Wind Farm Technology - Course Introduction by TU Delft Online Learning is licensed under CC BY 3.0
Tennis Ball and Golf Ball Icons by Those Icons from www.flaticon.com
Snowball Icon by mnauliady from www.flaticon.com