Changing places: how do geographers study place?
Geography Research Knowledge Booster
Developed in partnership with

Course links: GCSE • IGCSE • A-level • IA-level • IB • National 5 • Higher Geography
The concept of place is key to the study of geography, and for human geographers there are three key aspects to what we mean by place: location, locale and sense of place.
Together with a team of human geographers from the University of Plymouth, we look at how these three ideas are used to describe and study the spaces and places of our world.
Written and developed by: Richard Yarwood, Rob Parker, Tim Parker, Harriet Ridley, Olivia Wilson, Stephen Essex, Jon Shaw.
Videography by: Harriet Ridley, Anna Korecká, Josh Carron.
Drakes Island Orbit, Smeatons tower circling at sunrise, Central Park rising and looking out towards the sea, Backwards reveal of Plymouth Hoe, Dartmoor and Waterfront by Explore MESH are licensed under CC BY 3.0.
MATCH HIGHLIGHTS: Plymouth Argyle 2-1 Bradford City by Bradford City AFC is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
Winston Churchill is cheered by workers during a visit to bomb-damaged Plymouth, 2 May 1941. H9265 and Britain's Home Front 1939 - 1945- Air Raid Damage HU36253 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums are in the Public Domain.
Plymouth Gin 1793 Black Friars Distillery 2.jpg by WestportWiki is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
"I Love NY MetroCards" (10464494876).jpg by Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Titanic Quarter logo, Belfast by Albert Bridge is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
IAMsterdam - Kraaiennest.JPG by Richardkiwi is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
thick-stamp.wav by newagesoup is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
hmmm.wav by agent vivid is licensed under CC Sampling+ 1.0.
Cash Register by kiddpark is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
2012 OLYMPICS LOGO CLIPART is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
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