What is ‘sense of place’ and why is it important in the design of cities?
Cities and Changing Places Knowledge Booster

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Course links: GCSE • IGCSE • A-level • IA-level • IB • National 5 • Leaving Cert • Higher Geography
Geographers often talk about 'sense of place', but it can be difficult to really understand what that means.
In this video, we team up with geographers Prof Donald Houston and Dr Carol Ekinsmyth to explore this important concept in human geography. We hear about personal experiences of feeling 'out of place' when moving to new cities. We then discuss how geographers and town planners incorporate 'sense of place' into town design to influence our emotions and behaviour.
Produced by: Prof Donald Houston, Dr Carol Ekinsmyth, Rob Parker, Josh Carron
Videography by: Vratislav Karas, Rob Parker