Time for Geography is launching a new feature called Geog’ Clips, where geographical researchers can share short, impactful video clips with hundreds of thousands of teachers and school students across the globe. And there is a prize for Geog' Clip of the month.

The aim is to help bridge the gap between university research and geography in schools, by bringing together content teachers can make use of in the classroom and giving researchers  a simple opportunity to boost the impact/outreach of their work.

Although many researchers share videos on YouTube, unfortunately around 50% of UK schools now block YouTube for students and/or staff, as its a poor educational environment and a very effective distraction. So we've created an uncluttered, geography-specific educational video environment that schools can make use of on Time for Geography.

Teachers can make use of all sorts of clips in the classroom in countless creative ways. Please do apply your own creativity as to what this might include, but here are some ideas, which could span physical and human geography:

 - Animations or data visualisations
 - Rare events caught on camera (landslides, eruptions, floods, earthquakes etc.)
 - Fieldwork clips that show a geographically interesting place, feature or phenomenon
 - 360-video/photos for students to immerse themselves in a field location
 - Drone clips

We’ll be adding our own clips too -  I know I have a mountain of interesting iPhone clips and visualisations from my own PhD that never got airtime.

You can find more info and the first few Geog' Clips here or message me through the website chat app if you have any questions.

We'll also organise a prize for Geog' Clip of the Month,  from our partner Rab.