Emergency intervention to repair and future-proof the Geoscience talent pipeline

Over the last decade, UK universities have built a direct knowledge and recruitment channel into secondary school classrooms through Time for Geography: The open-access, dedicated video platform for geography and geoscience education.

Unprecedented reach: This £2 million project now commands the attention of every geography student (2.9 million) and teacher (18,000) in the UK, through award-winning, expert-led curriculum videos broadcast into thousands of school classrooms every week.

Unprecedented cohort: This success has helped transform the health of the discipline in secondary schools, with a record number of students now choosing to study Geography at GCSE and A-level (675,000 in 2024), and applying to Geography, Earth and Environmental degree programmes (55,000 in 2023).

We believe that this unprecedented cohort, combined with the unprecedented reach of Time for Geography, represents the single greatest opportunity to solve Geoscience’s graduate recruitment crisis.

Next steps – Register your nominated contacts

The Geoscience industry needs a direct platform to empower these students with careers awareness and guide them to appropriate training pathways. Industry leaders do not have time to visit every geography classroom in the country. But with Time for Geography we can put them there.

From September 2025, Time for Geography will deliver the largest ever Geoscience careers intervention across UK schools and universities: Each week, messages from industry leaders will reach an engaged audience of Geoscience students larger than the entire capacity of Wembley Stadium, establishing a society-wide awareness of the UK's Geoscience sectors and their role in addressing the global challenges of the 21st century.

By September 2026, Geography will be a defined career pathway subject: Like Medicine is to Biology, or Engineering is to Mathematics, the Geoscience talent pipeline will be firmly underpinned by a direct connection with curriculum learning and career awareness in Geography classrooms.

If your organisation would like the opportunity to be represented and benefit from this intervention, please register your contact details using the form below by 1 April. Our team will then ensure your organisation is included in industry-wide correspondence over the coming months.