(Inspiring instrumental music) Imagine that you could travel to any landscape in the world, any environment or location. (wind blowing) (water falling) (thunder booming) That not only that, you get to take with you someone who's making it their life's work, their passion, to study and understand that environment. And they could not be more excited to tell you all about it. To show you the hidden secrets. To share with you their knowledge and understanding. Wouldn't that make for an inspiring experience? You'd come home with a deeper appreciation of that place than you would ever get were you to go there alone. This is why we team up with the world's leading geography researchers. Alex, hello, welcome to Time for Geography. And venture into every environment ever written into a geography textbook. And we go there together with some of the most creative, talented young filmmakers, because we want this experience to be available to every young person learning about the world. There's a chemical reaction that's going on between these clay particles. This is. Time for Geography. Time for Geography. Time for Geography. Time for Geography videos are freely available to use. It's all made possible in collaboration with the world's leading universities, and with the support of organizations who share this vision, who understand the importance of young people's environmental education and their curiosity about the world. With their support, we're able to capture stories of how natural processes. Ice at the poles and in mountainous areas is melting. And human actions. The ongoing impact of social and economic changes. Are together shaping our complex and reactive planet. All this in an open-access environment, to help inspiring teachers bring the full richness of the world into every geography classroom.